Gagh, a Klingon delicacy of live blood worms:
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
Gagh, a Klingon delicacy of live blood worms:
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
thou shalt not stay at a hotel that is not on the rooming list.
work prevented me from attending our assigned district (regional) convention so i arranged my schedule to attend in a different city/weekend.
i know that's not a problem, brothers and sisters do it all the time.
(before you read i hope no one gets offended by the word retarted...that s how i thought when i was 13)my mom and dad are divorced and my father never helped my mother on raising us, so basically she was a single-mother.
he just abandoned my three brothers and me and my mother had to work two jobs all of the time so we never got to see her.
when we did see her it was after school, but all she did was yell at us, make food, and leave to her next job.
Welcome Curious Kitten.
I'm not a believer but I appreciate your posting here.
i've been toying with the idea of just coming out and posting my name and location as an attempt to be available to locals that secretly browse the forum that have known me for up to 25 years.
( "reaching out", so to speak ).
i'm not da'd or df'd, so this most certainly could end in a dramatic confrontation.
kairos, when I first posted my JW experiences I had, within two days, a 'still in' doubter, lurker of JWD, and former neighbor recognize me and come to my door - he knew who I was right away. I live in a large apartment complex just full of JWs and I've been keeping a low profile up to now. I myself don't care too much although it could affect me in the future.
Be careful what you say and if you want to get in touch with anyone limit yourself to the city you lived in; the dates you were a JW; and other peoples names that might be lurking here. Still dangerous but if you've got nothing to lose go for it. Oh, use the PM for maximum discretion.
our family just lost someone dear and very close, a faithful jw.
as we went through the entire funeral services and meeting long time brothers and sisters, who in general have been very kind and warm towards us, we realize that the hope of resurrection is a meaningless utopia for us, like a fairytale for little children.
we don't have faith in it anymore, and serves us of no comfort.
"What comforts you when you no longer believe in a ressurrection ?"
have you ever been told something that was so unbelievable, like angels having sex with humans, demons attacking someone, floods, talking animals, cutting someone ear off and reattaching it within minutes without the aid of a surgeon.
we accepted it without a second thought.. the other day watching home &garden house hunters (folks buying homes in other states and other countries).. today after leaving the borg i don't trust anyone or what they say.. a family buying a place in alaska and they announced, alaska has about 3,197 officially named natural lakes out of 3 million unnamed natural lakes.. i told the wife bs, how can that many lakes be in one state.
it was hard for me to believe that minnesota have 10000 lakes.. it really feel good to check out a source, to investigate for yourself.. i know this is a small thing, the numbers of lakes in alaska.. years ago when i was in the borg, and they told me alaska have a billion lakes, i wouldn't have question it.. what happened!!!!
Siberia has millions of lakes and increasing every month.
you know it dawned on me that witnesses and indeed the gb love to highlight how political leaders and groups can never be trusted to keep their promises, and often change their ideas, policies and platforms as time goes on...once they have already gained the power from the people.. hmmm.....sound familiar???.
this is blatant hypocrisy!.
the org has gained "power and control", then countless times failed to keep its "policies or promises or platform teachings" as time moves on.
@ stuckinarut2: "The difference here sadly is, unlike politicians, these guys cant be "voted out" by the people they have power over!"
Politicians can be voted out but they will simply be replaced by others who will act the same. Those who seek power in any field are those you can least trust for any reason.